CHRIS: Ready to be interviewed?!

So exactly how did you get your foot into the Can?
I was really sad for some reason, so my boyfriend at the time asked one of his friends to cheer me up. She sent me a link to Trashimation Pokemon and it made me laugh so much. I wanted to see if there were more funny videos made by the same group, so I did some exploring on the CoN website. I joined the forums, posted regularly, and one day someone, I think it was Derek, was looking for VAs so I made a demo for him. Since then I've been a part of a few fun Can projects.

IE or Netscape?

My first was IE. I never really used Netscape.

So what was on the voice demo?
A bunch of phrases, mostly cliche anime type stuff, in different pitches of voices and accents. Girly voices, those crappy anime boys voices, a black lady, Irish woman, Jude Pinto's mom.

Was it your first time making a voice demo?

Yeah, actually. It was something I'd always kind of wanted to do, but didn't have a reason to until Derek asked.

Do you remember Derek's reply?

I just remember Derek asked me to be Rita, Trini, Kimberly and a baby for Power Rangers.

Green Yoshi or blue Yoshi?

Blue Yoshi makes me uncomfortable.

Contrary to popular belief, you're not the first female member of he Can. How does that make you feel?
I feel like I'm carrying on a positive female role in the Can. I may not be the first, but at least I'm around.

BOOM! When Derek asked to you play all these roles, were you always positive that you could pull it off?

Derek gave me a lot of direction and I would try a various voices so that he'd at least find one he liked. Derek gave me a lot of confidence, he's not very intimidating. Though, I imagine Phil might be.

Phil says he's never had any interaction with you, true or false?
Completely true. I'm kind of curious about what it might be like to interact with him, but also a little timid.

Kenshin or Kaworu?
Kaworu, though I never got through Evangelion. Kenshin was meh.

So how exactly did Derek direct you over the internet?
He would email me .mp3's of him giving me direction, along with a copy of the script. I'd send him the lines, and he'd let me know if anything needed tweaking or if there was a change in the script.

So it was never done via some sort of Skype conference?


Do you think that would have been better? Worse?
I think it would have its pros and cons.

How many times have the forum members tried to get together over Skype?

Maybe 3. It might have been fun, but it never happened.

Were you more nervous meeting the forum members or sending your demo to Derek?
I was a little more nervous about sending my demo to Derek because I'd never made a demo before.

Snow White or Sleeping Beauty?
Both are weird girls that ended up marrying men who woke them up by kissing them while they were asleep. That's one twisted message to little girls. But I guess Sleeping Beauty because she didn't eat something a stranger told her to.

Alright, last question: male or female?
I get along better with guys, but I like being a girl.

OK, thanks Robyn!

No problem!