A FAQ. Frequently Asked Question. Here you will find many types of frequently asked questions and their answers. Though not all answers may apply to all people, it will still make sense...did that make sense?...Anyway...you might also notice that most of these will be questions that aren't really frequently asked since no one has asked it before. Questions such as the ones about ourselves. No one's asked those, but it's there in case you're ever wondering. Who am I talking to? What am I talking about?

General Everyday Frequently Asked Questions (GEFAQs!)
- What time?
- What the hell?
- Where?
- What's up?
- Can I get a date with Magus?
- Can I get a date with Nana-chan?
- Can I get a date with Majin?
- Can I get a date with Dan?

Frequently Asked Questions About Us (FAQsAU!)
- Why do you guys suck?
- Why are you guys nerds?
- Male or female?
- Who's cooler: Magus, Nana, Majin or Dan?

Frequently Asked Site Questions (FASQs!)
- Why does this site suck?
- What's with this horrible layout?
- What is this site supposed to be about?
- Who does more work on the site?
- Did you use HTML or GWQN to make your site?
- What about your site?

General Everyday Frequently Asked Questions (GEFAQs!)

What time?
3:00 PM. That is usually around the time kids get out of school, so you're free to do whatever it is you wanted to do after school is finished for the day. Get it? Got it? Good!

What the hell?

It all depends on what your eyes see.

If it has hot chicks, that's the place to go.
Toucan Sam: Just follow your hormones!

What's up?
This is a question that should only be asked by blind people since they do not possess the ability to look up like we do. For people who have vision, just look up, damnit! It's not like it's gonna kill your neck or something! Geez. People these days...they act like they're all disabled.

Can I get a date with Magus?
Well, okay! Only if you're nice, though...nice and hot. And willing to hold my ball-point pens when I'm tired.

Can I get a date with Nana-chan?

Can I get a date with Majin Vejita?
Only if you're nice, though...nice and gay.

Can I get a date with Dan?
Do you like to get jiggy with it? Yes? Well, sure!

FAQs About Us (FAQsAU!)

Why do you guys suck?
Well, only one of us sucks. Majin Vejita. Magus XXIII is as cool as the Backstreet Boys... Wanna know why Majin sucks? He sucks because...he's gonna be a mother. Yes. Dan doesn't suck because he's from Connecticut, although that has nothing to do with anything. Nana-chan just has some kinda non-sucking factor that makes her cool 25/8.

Why are you guys nerds?
This is an easy one to answer! We are nerds because we like and do nerdish things! Hang out with online buddies that we've never even seen, have long debates about video games and other stuff like that, etc. Well, we're not entirely sure if Majin Vejita does that kinda stuff...he just says he's a nerd. Just go along with that.

Male or female?
Majin is male for sure, as for Magus, it all depends on what day it is, and what time of the day. Right now he's male. Nana is female 24/7.

Who's cooler: Magus, Nana, Majin Vejita, or Dan?
Of course Magus is cooler! He's got all the style, the wit, and he is so fine! Nana is just Nana...Majin is more like bleh...As for Dan, well, he's...how should I put this? Homoerotic?

Frequently Asked Site Questions (FASQ!)

Why does this site suck?
It sucks because people like Majin and Magus are running it. it sucks because the things we put on our site are supposed to be funny, yet aren't. It sucks because you suck.

What's with this horrible layout?
We're not entirely sure on how to make it look sleek and sexy like other sites. Just deal with it.

What is this site supposed to be about?
It's supposed to about this can. And when you take the can opener and open the can, there's nothing inside! It's the Can of Nothing! It's about whatever you want it to be about! Or what Majin and Magus want it to be about...

Who does more work on the site?
Magus does! Ever taken a look at the main page? Magus is always updating! Magus, Magus, Magus! He should get paid!

Did you use HTML or GWQN to make your site?
Seeing as how we don't know what the heck GWQN is, we'll just say we use HTML since that is what it is. Hoo-HAA!

What about your site?
I don't know...what about it? I like it. I don't know what others may think of it, although Jared seems to love my Teletubbies rant.